“I was not meant for one corner. The whole world is my native land.”
Detroit stakeholders promoting tolerance and respect through local and global engagements
International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit (IIMD): www.iimd.org
A global education and immigration resource center, providing culturally immersive and educational community outreach events, immigration services and foreign language classes to increase cultural awareness, promote peace and celebrate differences. Dedicated to transforming the lives of low-income immigrants, refugees and U.S. born residents through innovative solutions to advancing economic mobility. (A United Way Agency)
Children Helping Children (CHC): Nada@iimd.org
Founder, Nada Dalgamouni, a two time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Global Education Director at The International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit (IIMD). Children Helping Children is a multicultural program, giving children from diverse cultures opportunities to share their artistic abilities and cultural heritage with other children.
Urban Information Network TV (UIN TV): www.UINTV.net
A Detroit based Internet TV Media Outlet, specializing in Truth Media, Global Connections and Urban News and Entertainment. Get a Membership today and stay in the loop. For Independent Contractor/Self Employment opportunities contact Don Henderson at: fulladvantagemediaservices@gmail.com
United African Community Organization (UACO): www.myuaco.wordpress.com
A global umbrella organization for various African and Caribbean national groups whose primary purposes are to promote, strengthen, empower and unify Africans and African descendants in the diaspora; to preserve and promote African culture as a tool of good citizenry; to provide humanitarian assistance to new African immigrants and serve the community in the areas of education, cultural diversity, housing and youth development; to promote economic empowerment; and to bridge the economic and cultural gaps between Africa and America.

“I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same question.” ~Harun Yahya
Take a journey around the world and get inspired:
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“Students Going Global will broaden perspectives, help to remove barriers to success and provide students with a much needed opportunity to explore the global possibilities. It is difficult to imagi...
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