“It is easier to build a child than to repair an adult.”  ~Frederick Douglass

“Speak to children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical
humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.”  ~Brooke Hampton

Basic Needs:
1) Dial 211: Call 211 and get the help you need from the United Way (Find employment/job training, shelters, nearby food pantries, rent & utilities assistance, free legal aid, tax preparation & healthcare services, care for seniors & more)
2) Gleaners Food Bank: www.gcfb.org/community-distribution-sites /(866) 453-2637/Food Assistance
3) Department of Human Services (DHS): www.michigan.gov/mibridges / (313) 493-7801
Apply for assistance with rent, food, cash, health care, etc.
4) Unemployment Insurance Agency: www.michigan.gov/uia / 1(866) 500-0017
5) Detroit Health Department: www.detroitmi.gov / Hotline: (313) 876-4000 (COVID-19 Resources)
6) Wayne County Health Department: (734) 727-7101
7) DWSD’s Water Restart Plan: (313) 386-9727 / Detroit residents with no water or shut-off notice 
8) COVID-19 Hotline: www.covid313.org / (734) 287-7870
9) Michigan Housing Locator: http://www.michiganhousinglocator.com
Find rental housing to fit your location and your income
10) Step Forward Michigan (Foreclosure Help): www.stepforwardmichigan.org / A comprehensive, statewide strategy focused on unemployed & underemployed residents to help homeowners who are at high risk of default or foreclosure with federal funds secured by the State of Michigan.
11) Free Hotspot access from Xfinity Community Wifi by Comcast: www.xfinity.com/wifi
(Follow instructions to join free hotspots during COVID-19)
12) Google Hangouts: https://www.google.com / 1(855) 836-3987 / google.com/support / Turn any conversation into a FREE group video call with up to 10 friends. Include all your friends with group chats for up to 150 people. Keep in touch with friends across Android, iOS, and the web, and sync chats across all your devices. Students need to have a Google account first, such as Gmail and be 13+ to sign into Hangouts. Hangouts bring conversations to life with photos, videos, maps, emojis, stickers and animated GIFs. PARENTS keep kids safe on Google Hangouts: www.net-aware.org.uk
13) Zoom Account: https://www.zoom.us  / 1(888) 799-9666 / support.zoom.us / Schedule FREE online video and audio meetings and chats with family and friends. This is a great supportive tool for students to help them stay socially connected with friends and family members. Students must be at least 16 years old to create an account. Younger students should have their parent or guardian set up an account for them. The FREE Basic Account limits the time & number of people for each meeting to a Max. of 100 people and a Max. of 40 minutes per meeting. No limit for one on one virtual meetings.
14) The Gianna House: Residence for pregnant teens, age 13-17
15) Pathways Academy: (313)209-3804 /11340 E. Jefferson /Program for pregnant teens, age 13-17
16) Covenant House: Shelter for Homeless Youth, age 18-24 / (313) 463-2000 / (313) 305-0311
17) Neighborhood Legal Services: www.nlsmichigan.org / (313) 964-1975  
Low cost bankruptcy; free tax filing, free or low-cost divorce, etc. (For low-income families)
18) Free Annual Credit Reports from Equifax, Experian & Transunion:
www.annualcreditreport.com  / 1(877) 322-8228 / Submit request via phone or online
19) Mom’s Guide to the Five Love Languages of Children:
20) The Affordable Moving and Housing Guide: Information and Resources for Low-Income Households (July 2022)  https://www.getbellhops.com/blog/the-affordable-moving-and-housing-guide-information-and-resources-for-low-income-households/
21) Medicare and Medicaid Guide for Low-Income Recipients: https://www.medicareplans.com/seniors-medicare-and-medicaid-enrollees/#qualifying_and_applying_for_medicare_and_medicaid

Mental Health Resources:
1) DPSCD Mental Health Student Support Line: 1(833) 466-3978 (Select Option 2 & then Option 4) Online counseling available Mon to Fri from 5–8pm, for Detroit students and parents
2) Sandcastles: www.aboutsandcastles.org / (313) 874-6881 
(Individual and group Grief Counseling support for youth and adults)
3) Ruth Ellis Center: (313) 365-3311 / Offers Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is free for people with Medicaid Health Insurance
4) Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy Center: www.guidance-center.org
(734) 785-7700 / After-Hours Crisis Hotline: (888) 711-5465 / Treatment for  sexual and physical abuse, neglect, and other forms of psychological trauma
5) Children’s Center: (313) 831-5535 / www.thechildrenscenter.com
Emergency crisis care, psychiatric services & clinical and behavioral support
6) Lincoln Behavioral Center: (866) 462-6730 / Psychiatric Services and Hospitalization
7) Detroit-Wayne Integrated Health Network: www.dwihn.org / (313) 833-2500 / 1(800) 241-4949 (24 Hour Helpline) / Network Access Center for individuals seeking mental health services, substance abuse services, intellectual and developmental disabilities services, children’s system of care services and Autism Spectrum Disorder Services. Handles emergency cases & referrals
8) Equality Michigan: LGBTQ Community Focus – Advocacy for Survivors of Crimes
Report an incident: (313) 537-7000 / report@equalitymi.org / www.equalitymi.org
9) Support for GLBT Youth: 1(800)969-6884 (Helpline) / 1(888) 843-4564 (National Hotline)
10) Peer Support: www.OK2TALK.org / Connect with peers for support with mental health concerns
11) Mental Health Support: www.okay2say.org  / Encouraging open and honest conversations about mental health with people you trust (Family, friends and others)
12) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1(800) 273-TALK
13) Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1(800) Suicide / Text TalkWithUs to 66746
14) Crisis Text Line: Text TALK to 741741
15) Disaster Distress Hotline: 1(800) 985-5990 (Crisis Counseling)
16) 1st Step Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline: (734) 722-6800
Free shelter and transitional housing / Ages 3 and up
17) Domestic Violence Advocacy Project: (313) 334-792219)
18) Substance Abuse & Mental Health Crisis Line at Community Care Services:1(800) 241-4949
19) Specialty Based Counselors: www.DetroitCounselors.org

Employment Assistance:
1) Urban Alliance: Paid Internships for Seniors with a minimum 2.0 GPA / www.theurbanalliance.org  
2) GDYT: www.gdyt.org / Summer Employment / Detroit residents, Ages 14-24
3) Detroit at Work: www.detroitatwork.com / (313) 962-9675 / Find employment
4) Michigan Works: www.michiganworks.com / 1(800) 285-9675 / Free resume and job assistance
5) Zippia: www.zippia.com/job-search/high-school-jobs /Employment for high school students & adults
6) AmeriCorps Student Support Advisor Position: www.nationalservice.gov / 1(800) 942-2677
Graduating Seniors can get paid spending a year after high school tutoring DPSCD students
7) Resume Builder: Employment Resources for People Living with Disabilities
8) Daddys at Work: Employment and Parental Rights Assistance: https://yourdaddysatwork.org

Student Enrichment Opportunities:
1) The Youth Connection: www.theyouthconnection.org / (313) 826-7099
(Connecting Detroit youth and families to resources and opportunities)
2) Detroit Summer Camps: www.DetroitSummerCamps.com (Including Virtual Camps)
3) Code313 Virtual Stem Academy Coding Club Summer Camp & Workshops: www.code313.com / Offers FREE hands-on coding workshops

Travel Resources:
1) Afford Your Travel is a valuable resource for those, especially first-time travelers, looking for affordable travel accommodations.

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Students Going Global: Expanding Minds, Hearts and Horizons
Support Life Changing Educational Tours Abroad for Deserving Detroit Youth; Students Going Global is a Charitable 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Nonprofit Organization, Tax ID Number: 32-0366775