Minority and First Generation College Student
Travel Abroad Scholarships:

(Organizations and businesses that help make life-changing international experiences accessible to all by supporting minority and first-generation college students with travel abroad scholarships up to $5,000)

1. First Trip (First Trip Scholarships and Passport Vouchers are available for underrepresented college students who have never left the United States. No essay or GPA requirement!) / www.firsttrip.org
2. The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship offers significant funding for U.S. citizens of limited financial means to enable them to study abroad / The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship 
3. Fund for Education Abroad (FEA)/ www.fundforeducationabroad.org
4. CAPA The Global Education Network / www.capa.org
5. CET Academic Programs / www.cetacademicprograms.com
6. AIFS Study Abroad / www.aifsabroad.com
7. American University of Cairo / www.aucegypt.edu
8. DIS Abroad / www.disabroad.org
9. Foundation for International Education (FIE) / www.fie.org.uk
10. The Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA-Butler) / www.ifsa-butler.org
11. The Intern Group / www.theinterngroup.com
12. School for Field Studies / www.fieldstudies.org
13. SIT Study Abroad / www.studyabroad.sit.edu
14. University of Auckland / www.auckland.ac.nz
15. University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) / www.usac.edu

Educational Travel Abroad Scholarships:

1.) Passport to Equity Scholarship:
Full Ride Scholarship provided to Study Abroad for a Semester or Year Long
Available to African-American students in their Sophomore or Junior year of high school
Students must demonstrate financial need

2.) Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholarship (CBYX)
Full Ride Scholarship to Germany! No German Language courses/knowledge required
Merit-based scholarship for motivated American high school students with a minimum 2.5 GPA
Learn about German culture first-hand living with a host family & attending a German high school
The application opens August 1st of each year

3.) SYTA Youth Foundation Road Scholarship:
Scholarships provided to students participating in group travel experiences
Available to students ages 18 or younger who demonstrate financial need

4.) EF Educational Tours Global Citizen Scholarship:
Scholarships provided to middle and high school students who demonstrate financial need

5.) Foreign Language Study Abroad Scholarships:

6.) The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

7.) The Fulbright Program

8.) International Volunteer HQ Scholarships

9.) Boren Awards Scholarship

10.) AIFS Study Abroad Scholarships and Grants

11.) Golden Key Honor Society Scholarships and Grants

12.) Institute of International Education (IIE) Scholarships and Grants

External Study Abroad Scholarships

The Ashley Soulé Conroy Foundation Scholarship

In hopes that a tragedy can enrich the lives of others, the Ashley Soulé Conroy foundation has been created to provide scholarships for travel and study abroad.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students with limited resources. All students who receive a Federal Pell Grant or provide proof that he/she will be receiving a Pell Grant at the time of application or during the term of his/her study abroad program are strongly encouraged to apply. Award amounts will vary based on student’s ranking during the selection process, their financial need, and length of program; however, the average award is $4,000.

For more information about the Gilman Scholarship program, click here or talk with your Study Abroad Advisor.

Bridging Scholarships for Study Abroad in Japan

The Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project offers 100 scholarships annually to American undergraduate students participating in study abroad programs in Japan. USAC students attending the Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or Nishinomiya programs are eligible.

Boren Awards for International Study

Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide funding for US undergraduate and graduate students to study in world regions critical to the future security of our nation and underrepresented in study abroad.

BUTEX Scholarships

USAC students attending the Brighton, Bristol, London, Reading, or Stirling programs are eligible for this award.

Delta Phi Alpha Study Abroad Scholarships

Delta Phi Alpha offers several scholarships to recognize high-achieving Delta Phi Alpha undergraduate students who plan to study abroad in Germany.

Education New Zealand Scholarships

Education New Zealand manages several outbound scholarships for student who wish to study abroad in New Zealand.

Freeman-Asia Awards for Study in Asia

Freeman-ASIA accepts applications from U.S. citizens or permanent residents studying at the undergraduate level at a two-year or four-year college or university who demonstrate financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.

For more information about the Freeman-Asia scholarship program click here or talk with your Study Abroad Advisor.

Fund for Education Abroad (FEA)

USAC is proud to join the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) as an Access Partner in the shared commitment to increase the number of underrepresented American undergraduates studying abroad through the provision of scholarships!

Students with financial need who are participating on USAC programs may apply for FEA-USAC Access Scholarships of up to $5,000 and will also be considered for FEA’s general scholarships.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Undergraduate Scholarship

The goal of this program is to support study abroad in Germany and at German universities.

Golden Key Study Abroad Scholarship

This scholarship assists Golden Key Members who participate in a study abroad program.

Go Overseas Study & Intern Abroad Scholarship

Students applying to any study abroad program are eligible to apply for the Go Overseas Study & Intern Abroad Scholarship.

IIE Generation Study Abroad Travel Grants

This scholarship program is intended to diversify study abroad and to encourage students to go abroad who would otherwise not participate in an international experience as part of their college education, especially in support of high-achieving, low-income students.

ItaliaRail’s Italy Study Abroad Scholarship

Students applying to any study abroad program in Italy are eligible to apply.

JASSO Scholarship

Available to qualified students attending the Hiroshima or Nagasaki programs. Additional details will be provided once students have been approved.

KAHAL Student Grant Application

This application is intended for any Jewish student studying abroad. Students may apply for programming grants, subsidies to attend educational programs, and on invitation travel subsidies.

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)

USAC students who are Italian American or majoring in Italian studies or a related field are eligible.

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad.

Rotary International Scholarships

Rotary clubs offer scholarships for undergraduate studies that can often be used for study abroad. Follow the link to find your local Rotary club.

Scott’s Cheap Flights Study Abroad Scholarship

This scholarship was created to help more students learn, travel, and explore the world through study abroad.

The U.S.-Japan Council Toshizo Watanabe Endowed Scholarship

USAC students attending a program in Japan may be eligible.

University of Haifa Scholarships

USAC students attending the Haifa program are eligible.

Report Examines the Impact of National Study Abroad Scholarship Program for Low-Income Students

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